
17 Mar


Our closing got delayed until noon tomorrow. We’re actually grateful it didn’t get delayed longer than that. While our hotel room is great, we started getting a little stir crazy. So far we’ve …

  • Spent the entire day at the Carnegie Science Museum and watching Hubble on IMAX. (We even got the super duper membership so all of our visitors can check out all of the Carnegie Museums for FREE!)  We left with Zachary announcing he will be an astronaut when he grows up.  Heck, now I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.


  • Visited and climbed on a giant statue honoring Mister Rogers.  Sadly, the kids have no idea who he is. 😦  I think I’ll add some old episodes to our Netflix list.




  • Spent hours at Fun Buy the Pound, playing with Legos, Playmobil & pretty much everything you can think of.


And now I think we’re about to take the kids to the pool.  Dinner tonight is popcorn and poptarts.  There’s no more free dinner or beer.  I really think Zachary is going to turn into a pizza.  No more corn dogs, chicken nuggets or pizza.  Ahhhh!!!!!


Please pray that everything goes as scheduled for the closing tomorrow at 12.  We won’t actually get to sleep in the house until Saturday, but that is A-OK with me.  I have a nice, big, cozy bed with lots of pillows here in the hotel.  Our movers won’t deliver our stuff until Monday, so I’m enjoying the bed while I have one!




Happy birthday to my sweet friend, Allison!!!  Love you!

3 Responses to “entertainment.”

  1. Jessica Denny March 17, 2011 at 9:36 pm #

    i LOVE that orangey yarn! and i love you.
    enjoy your don’t-have-to-clean-it-yourself hotel room!!!

  2. janet March 18, 2011 at 6:56 am #

    Ohhhh, Mister Rogers! I LOVE Mister Rogers! I forgot he was from P’burgh…
    Hoping and praying all goes well w/ the closing and the settling in. Meanwhile, enjoy the hotel, baby!

  3. allison March 19, 2011 at 9:27 pm #

    The yarn is beautiful:) Thanks for the shout out!

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