Getting settled.

20 Mar


Well today was the big day. We were finally able to make the long-awaited move into the “new” house. We were quite the entourage leaving the hotel. 2 cart loads of stuff, 3 kids & Will’s grandfather’s desk chair later, we headed to the house. (Took the chair inside so it wouldn’t get rained on.)  On the way out of the hotel we were surrounded with people who treated Maggie like she was a celebrity. One guy took a photo of the kids, Maggie & me (weird). My favorite was when 2 sweet Japanese girls took photos of themselves with Maggie.

I dare you to top that.

We got our new Mosh Pit couch from IKEA & will had no trouble assembling it. Have I mentioned he’s my hero?? Within 15 minutes of pulling into the driveway, a sweet 2nd grade neighbor Jillian had William scootering around the neighborhood. She knocked on nearly every door in the hood introducing him to kids. Sweetest. Thing. Ever.

We’ve met more neighbors today than we ever did on our old street. Jillian’s dad helped Will get the couch inside. Other neighbors brought us their air mattresses to sleep on, muffins for the morning & our first Terrible Towel. (They’re fellow Southerners, so we’ll have plenty to chat about.)

We had a giant stack of mail waiting for us–cards, letters, and even a Pennsylvania welcome package from our favorite Pennsylvania neighbors.

I’m so overwhelmed by love, grace, and acceptance right now I could never ever communicate it adequately. Yall rock my world. You know who you are.

Tomorrow the boys start school & the movers arrive with our stuff. It’s exciting & daunting getting the house situated.

Well I better run. House is eerily quiet. We’re going to snuggle up on our new sofa bed!

2 Responses to “Getting settled.”

  1. kristen March 20, 2011 at 8:24 pm #

    woo hoo! so proud of you. will pray for a great day tomorrow!

  2. janet March 20, 2011 at 10:10 pm #

    Yaaay! You’re in your house!! Thinking about you lots today. So glad your neighbors are giving you tons o’ love!

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