house tour, the outside.

11 May

this post will be mostly pictures, so there’s your warning.  spring has FINALLY sprung here in pittsburgh and things are starting to be completely beautiful!


anyway, sarah prodded me to take pics, so this post is for you, sweet sarah.  🙂

view from our back door.  sorry about the work truck.  this tree is 200 years old.  the people who lived here before had an arborist (didn’t know those existed!) check it out and he said it’s completely healthy.  it’s hard to appreciate in pictures.

looking up at the tree.

backyard playground AKA where the kids practically live (when it’s not raining)

the “secret garden” further back in the yard.  on the right side is a really steep hill.

if you click and look really closely, you can see the creek.  the boys have blazed a rough trail to get down there and fortunately it’s not deep or too fast.  but from the secret garden, you can hear the trickle.

the garage we’re going to knock down and rebuild so our cars can fit inside

exterior of the house.

our house is up on a hill, so it’s tough to get a good pic of the front of it.

my favorite part of the yard.

and this is why.

2 Responses to “house tour, the outside.”

  1. janet May 11, 2011 at 8:33 am #

    So beautiful…Aren’t you so happy it’s SPRING!!

  2. allison May 15, 2011 at 9:22 pm #

    presh. can’t wait to see it in person. um. four days baby:)

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